Reuse, Recycle and Repurpose Your Used Cooking Oil

Deep frying doughnuts, making taquitos, or cooking bacon – cooking oil is a large part of the culinary experience. However, once the flame is gone and the plates are cleared, we are left with the unfortunate task of clearing away the leftover cooking oil. This poses an environmental problem, as well as a structural problem: leftover cooking oil can ruin garbage disposal, and it can cause issues in the wilderness if left disposed of improperly. Below are some suggestions to dispose of, or reuse, leftover cooking oil which will keep your conscience clear.

Cooking Oil Disposal Service

Nowadays, there are professional services like GF Commodities to properly dispose of used cooking oil. Contact GF Commodities for your used cooking oil disposal, and learn more about Yellow Grease. If improperly disposed of, used oil can ruin a sink’s pipe’s, it can cause problems for nearby homes and businesses, as well as the overall sewer system. It is best to leave it up to professionals to determine the best course of action for disposal.

Reuse Cooking Oil

After using cooking oil, it is possible to use the oil two or three times as long as it smells okay. If you continuously reuse the cooking oil, it risks lowering the smoking point considerably. An oil with a low smoking point risks burning faster and developing carcinogenic properties. However, as long as the boil is not burned, this provides a more sustainable, tastier alternative to using new oil repeatedly.

Recycle Cooking Oil

Grab an empty, clean container and a funnel. Once you are finished using your cooking oil, let it cool considerably. Mason jars, butter containers or coffee tins work expertly as alternatives for this next preparation step. Every time you use cooking oil, pour the remnants into your labeled container until the container is full. Locate your nearest recycling location and find out whether there is a specific recycling location for used cooking oils. If recycling is not available nearby, contact your local fire department to inquire about possible recycling options for your used cooking oil.

Add It to Your Compost

If you have a compost heap, consider adding your used oil to it after you have finished your cooking session in the kitchen. However, you can run into an issue if you are using cooking oil made to fry meat products. Instead of earthworms and plant-friendly insects, you can attract raccoons, rats, skunks and unwelcome pests to your compost stack.

Biodiesel Fuel

Biodiesel fuel, a worthy competitor to crude oil, is made from used cooking oil. According to SeQuential, “Biodiesel is a valuable fuel source made from soybean oil, animal fats, and other kinds of recycled cooking oil. It’s renewable, clean-burning reduces waste, and is surprisingly easy to make.” Widespread, traditional diesel fuel has impacted the Earth’s natural resources by contributing to greenhouse gases, smog, and unhealthy air pollution. Biodiesel fuel acts as a biodegradable, renewable replacement to traditional fuel which reduces all of these concerning areas.

Before you prepare to run your used cooking oil down the drain with some hot water and soap: take a moment to consider a new plan of action. One long pause can result in a massive impact for you, your neighbours, the future inhabitants of Earth and the environment itself.
