Keeping Yourself Safe as a Travelpreneur in 2020
Travelpreneurs. Digital Nomads. Solopreneurs. Travel-loving freelancers. Call them what you will. These lucky, skilled, bold and hardworking people live the dream of making good money while getting to see the world. Their office is wherever they’re able to plug in their laptop. Their commute is nothing more strenuous than exiting the hotel lobby and choosing a space in which to hunker down. Yet, while this lifestyle may seem idyllic (and it is) that’s not to say that it’s completely without caveats. Especially in these difficult and unprecedented times. With international travel restrictions becoming increasingly complicated and some travelpreneurs unable to even return home due to COVID-19 related restrictions, these are uncertain times for all. And this can be exacerbated while you’re far from your emotional support network.

If you’re working overseas for your laptop in 2020, it behoves you to take extra steps to protect yourself. Here, we’ll look at some ways in which you need to keep yourself (and your operation) safe…
Don’t let up on the safety precautions
Travelpreneurs are constantly on the go, always finding new places from which they can work while enjoying the sights, sounds, scents and tastes of their destinations. However, while working from a coffee shop in Montreal or a Pho cafe in Vietnam is most people’s definition of heaven, it is an increasingly risky prospect in this time.
Work outside where possible (what we know of COVID-19 suggests that it’s harder to transmit outdoors in sunlight). And keep washing your hands after touching any unfamiliar surface or object. Keep wearing your face mask and avoid touching your face.
Migrate to the cloud
The unfortunate truth is that in this time of panic and confusion, many cybercriminals are finding new and inventive ways to turn the current situation to their advantage, with a fresh wave of phishing scams, malware attacks and DDoS attacks launched against small businesses and solopreneurs.
And if you think your operation is too small for them to notice, think again! Migrating as much of your digital infrastructure to the cloud as possible is advantageous from a cyber security perspective because security updates are carried out regularly without downtime or charge. You can even include phone hosting in your cloud setup. Check out for more information. Furthermore, this will prevent your operation from grinding to a halt or your data being compromised if your devices get lost or damaged. Which brings us to...
Insure your laptop and other devices
Finally, if you’re a travelpreneur your working and personal life are held within your laptop, tablet, smartphone and other devices. While migrating your operation to the cloud can protect the sanctity of your data, your business can still grind to a halt if your devices are stolen, lost or damaged. And in these economically uncertain times, desperation makes the theft of your devices a very real possibility. Make sure your devices are insured so that you can replace them quickly without the need to worry about expense or inconvenience. So you can keep your operation running seamlessly.