Eva Airways Taipei to Manila

I'm mostly based out in Taiwan these days since I am preparing a Youtube series about this beautiful little island.
The main airline in Taiwan is Eva Airway by Evergreen group. They are known for their Hello Kitty Aircrafts that ladies love to instagram.

The flight we were on was a smaller aircraft. And the entertainment system was a bit old, poor quality screens, very tiny, but had a decent amount of movie selection.

Good thing the flight was only one hour and forty five minutes. If this was a longer flight, I would not be a happy flyer.
I actually didn't get to finish the movie on the way to Philippines. And on the way back I was so exhausted from the weekend nightlife, I slept most of the way. Good thing I woke up in time to finish the rest of the movie.
My body automatically wakes up when they start pushing around those food carts.
And speaking of food.....the quality of food is not very good. Quite disappointing. It's been like this for years, wish management would improve.

Unfortunately, I am loyal to my Star alliance points, and EVA is the main airline in Taiwan that is a Star Alliance partner.
The positive side about EVA is the service is very good. It's also one of the safer airlines around.